It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Acts 20:35

Here at Be Free, we are largely dependent on donations to keep our doors open. We offer a labour-intensive treatment package for each guest, which includes various therapies, freshly prepared whole-food meals, as well as all their personal care and remedies. In addition, our farm is still growing towards the goal of being fully self-sustained – enabling us to provide for our staff and guests.

Your donation could make a huge impact on our growth. With your contribution, we can expand our gardens, improve our orchards, renovate old buildings and maintain our infrastructure. Your kind gestures could pay the small stipend for a volunteer, or sponsor a guest who is unable to pay for treatment.

Your generosity will be much appreciated by both our staff and volunteers, as well the guests who need our help.

Projects that need funding

Kitchen Restoration

Like any old farm house, there’s often the need for renovations. Last year was a striking reminder of that fact. During the month of August, while conducting Medical Missionary training, the heart of the Be Free home underwent a terrible ordeal. The kitchen wall collapsed, partly due the old building structure, and partly to the rain from that week.
For us to restore the kitchen wall, and improve the overall structure of the kitchen, we will need your financial support.
Contact for more information on this project

New, Reliable Vehicle

Here at Be Free, transporting supplies for the kitchen, centre, and farm; fetching guests, trainees, and volunteers from town; and driving our staff and guests to church weekly, are some of the reasons that make it necessary to obtain a new vehicle that is reliable, and light on fuel, yet strong enough to tow a trailer.
If you are able to supply Be Free with a vehicle of sorts, please contact us for more information on the specifications that would meet our needs.

Kitchen Restoration

Like any old farm house, there’s often the need for renovations. Last year was a striking reminder of that fact. During the month of August, while conducting Medical Missionary training, the heart of the Be Free home underwent a terrible ordeal. The kitchen wall collapsed, partly due the old building structure, and partly to the rain from that week.
For us to restore the kitchen wall, and improve the overall structure of the kitchen, we will need your financial support.
Contact for more information on this project

New, Reliable Vehicle

Here at Be Free, transporting supplies for the kitchen, centre, and farm; fetching guests, trainees, and volunteers from town; and driving our staff and guests to church weekly, are some of the reasons that make it necessary to obtain a new vehicle that is reliable, and light on fuel, yet strong enough to tow a trailer.
If you are able to supply Be Free with a vehicle of sorts, please contact us for more information on the specifications that would meet our needs.

Give what you can

Every contribution is an answer to prayer. Give what you are able, and what the Lord places on your heart. You won’t regret it.

Trust Account Details

Be Free Lifestyle Centre


Be Free Trust Account #: 9285282270

Branch Code: 632005

Give what you can

Every contribution is an answer to prayer. Give what you are able, and what the Lord places on your heart. You won’t regret it.

Trust account details

Be Free Lifestyle Centre


Be Free Trust Account #: 9285282270

Branch Code: 632005

If you are supporting a specific project, please add a note to your payment specifying which one/s.